Saturday, September 12, 2015

date night tyler style

Four months without a real date is way to long.  Our last Parent's Night Out in Dallas was May 1st.  A date night was long over due here in Tyler.  Green Acres Baptist does a similar thing as The Heights but they call their Kid's Night Out.  We signed up the boys for their Football Frenzy night, paid our $20 and had a night out on the town!  I asked my MOPS group for recommendations of restaurants that were unique to Tyler.  Most of the suggestions included Villa Montez.  The restaurant is a beautiful old house that sits up on a hill.  It's a Latin American restaurant, which is right up our alley because we love Gloria's!!
I started with a Raspberry Mojito and Matt had a Dos Equis.  
We chose Queso Fundido as our appetizer.  Different from your average queso, but delicious.
Matt ordered the Carne Asada which came recommended by a friend and I chose the Margarita Shrimp which was recommended by our server.  I think we both made excellent choices.  
Looking forward to many more date nights and trying out new restaurants in Tyler with this guy!!

1 comment:

  1. Queso and drink are making my mouth water! Your hair looks great!
