Friday, November 20, 2015

thanksgiving 2015

This year Thanksgiving was with my family.  I knew when we moved that Thanksgiving would be different for us this year.  I knew it would involve a road trip and an overnight stay.  But after my Dad's stroke, we didn't even really know if we would be "home for the holidays".  Dad was in in-patient therapy at a few different places up until about a week before Thanksgiving.  We were so incredibly thankful to be able to all be at parents house to celebrate Thanksgiving.  
Mom made about half of the food and Nonnie made the rest.  The boys and I went to Dallas early on Monday morning but I didn't get to help Mom cook as much as I wanted to, because I had an upper respiratory infection.  I ended up at the doctor on Wednesday to get a steroid.  We kept things simple with throw away pans and what we call "fine china"(chinette plates). We didn't care though.  It all tasted so good!!

Carson was too cool to sit with the little kids.   He wanted to sit with the adults.
 After a delicious lunch, all the guys settled in the living room to watch the Cowboys, I put Nash down for a nap and the rest of us walked over to Nonnie's house to say hi!
 Usually we have Thanksgiving lunch at my grandma's house all together, but with Dad's stroke, he gets a little unsettled with craziness.  We thought our crazy kids would be enough, so we opted to do our own thing away from all my aunts and uncles and cousins.  I'm thankful my grandma lives across the street from my parents though so we were still able to see them.  
I really enjoyed being a guest at my parents house rather than just coming over for lunch.  After the game, we did a few crafts with Pearson, ate some leftover and then Mom and I did some Black Friday shopping.  
 Actually, we did quite a bit a Black Friday shopping.  We staying up past midnight shopping on our iPads.  That's the best Black Friday shopping there is.  You couldn't pay me to go wait in a line or mess with the crowds.  This is definitely the way to go!!
Friday morning, we headed to Sherman to visit Matt's parents.  We don't normally all get together for Thanksgiving when its our "off year" but everyone happened to come over so we all played some domino train.  It wouldn't be a Link Family gathering without it!
 And of course, these two sweet cousins always have the best time when they are together.  Nash was sleeping, but he love Big Ethan too!
 Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. We sure enjoyed our after Thanksgiving with you all!
