Tuesday, May 31, 2016

San Antonio Bound

Last week we took our first family vacation to San Antonio.  We loaded the car up Saturday night so we would be all ready to go after church.  We were able to drive a few hours before having to stop for lunch.  
 When driving through lots of small towns in Texas, there aren't to many option of places to eat.  We settle on Dairy Queen and it made for some very happy boys since they both got a dessert with their kids meal.  
 We couldn't have asked for a better drive.  They both crashed and took great naps while we were driving! 
 We finally made it to our hotel around 5:30.  The boys were excited to see the killer whales outside our hotel.  
After unloading all our luggage, the boys took a little trip on the dolly.  
 Dinner was our first priority after getting all unpacked.  We were all starving.  We ate at a restaurant near our hotel called Viola's Ventanas.  The fajitas were good, but nothing special.  Matt and I both loved our drink selections though.  Nash wanted a sip of my "slushy" so bad!!
I couldn't decide on which drink to get so I got their sampler drink special.  I had a strawberry margarita, guava margarita and a classic margarita.  I really couldn't have chosen a favorite.  They were all so good.  
 Matt got a Dos XX margarita and Pearson was totally thrilled with the orange chips and the live mariachi band.  
 The best part of the restaurant was the nice playground they had out back.  It was perfect for the boys to run around and burn off some energy after sitting in the car all day long.  
 This sweet boy loved climbing all over the rocks too. 
 When we got back to our hotel, we got all unpacked, showered and comfy.  They boys got to watch a movie on their own TV in the living room.  
 Pearson slept on the pull out couch in the living room.  
 Nash slept on the queen bed beside me and Matt.  
 I'd like to say our first night in the hotel went well, but it didn't.  We all slept terrible.  First of all, we put the boys down too early.  It was past their normal bedtime, but they just weren't tired.  They were too excited about all the fun we had planned and just couldn't settle down being in a new place.  They finally crashed about 9:00.  The only way we could get them to fall asleep was to lay down and fall asleep with them.  One of the many times I woke up in the night, I couldn't believe it was only 3:00 because I felt like I had enough sleep for the night.  

The best part of the night was when Pearson woke up and walking into Nash's bed.  When I asked him what he was doing, he half asleep said,"I don't know and went back to his bed."  We all survived the night even with many wake ups.  Thankfully that was our only crummy night of sleep on the trip!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun trip, can't wait to hear about the rest of it!
