Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Link Family Christmas

Celebrating Christmas with the Link family was so fun.  It's so fun to be apart of a fun loving family.  Matt's parents, sisters and their families are great.  I feel like I've known them for years.  It truly easy to call them family, because they sure feel like family!!  

On Friday night Matt's older sister and her family came over for dinner.  I got to read my sweet nephew, Preston a book before we started playing games. 

We played a little Mexican Train.  I learned how to play this game last year when I first met his family.  If you haven't every played it, you are definitely missing out.  We always have a good time playing.  Especially when Matt's Mema plays.  She is VERY competitive.  

My nephew, Peyton, Matt's Dad, and Mema

Matt's sister, Jennifer and her husband David.  

Matt's Mom and Peyton

On Saturday, Matt's other sister and her family came over as well.  We had a great time eating yummy enchiladas, playing some Boggle, opening presents and playing Uno Attack.  Again, I didn't take any pictures opening presents or with my nieces.  I really need to do better next year.  

Overall, Matt and I had a VERY Merry Christmas with all of our family.  We are so fortunate to have such wonderful families.  We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas season celebrating Christ's birth and being with your family.

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