Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our First Christmas

Matt and I started the morning opening up all our presents and our stockings.  

My big present to Matt was a Calloway golf bag and Matt's big present to me was an adorable Guess coat.  He did a great job picking out the coat all by himself.  Matt really spoiled me with all the wonderful gifts he gave me.  

After we opened our presents we had our 1st annual breakfast feast.  

Growing up, my Mom always made a big breakfast on Christmas morning.  I wanted to start this as a tradition in our family, too! I look forward to the Christmas breakfast feast more than Thanksgiving Dinner!!  This year I made a Breakfast Casserole, Monkey Bread, and Sausage Roll-Ups.  (I'll post those recipes soon!)

After cleaning up our Christmas mess, we headed back over to my parents house and had Christmas with my Dad's side of the family.  We had a great time.  Oma & Joe gave me and Matt these really cool lanterns to hang outside on our patio.  We forgot to take any pictures while with this side of the family.  I'll do better next year!!

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