Friday, June 05, 2009

goodbye and hello

This is the group of ladies that I have taught with for the past 2 years. These ladies are not only wonderful teachers, but they have become wonderful friends over the past two years. Last year we were the only team that didn't change at all. It was so fun to come back for my 2nd year knowing everyone on my team and not having any changes.

This year will be a little different. Take the three ladies on the right off, and all that will be left net year is me and Krissy. Sarah is moving to Waco to teach where her soon to be fiance will be going to school, Penny is going to be the counselor, and Jan is retiring. I am so happy for all of them, but selfishly, I wish they were all staying because I have grown so close to them. Next year is going to be so different. I am sad about losing three teachers from our team but at the same time I am excited to welcome the three new ladies onto our team.

So this summer I'm not only going to pray for my kids, but I'm going to also pray for the new members of our Kindergarten team.

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