Friday, August 07, 2009


Our one year anniversary is quickly approaching, so on our to-do list this weekend is to plan a little getaway to San Antonio for the weekend of our anniversary. I am so excited to go to San Antonio because the last time I went was when I was a little. I don't remember anything. As excited as I am to go to San Antonio, I can't help but think of our last vacation together. Our honeymoon.

Oh how I want to go back!!!

So while I'm dreaming of going back, I'll share with you our honeymoon!!

On our wedding night we stayed at the Gaylord Texan. We stayed in a beautiful suite that over looked the inside of the hotel.
Matt was so smart and booked our flight at 1pm so we got to take our time before we headed to the airport. We slept in and then got breakfast at the River Walk Cafe.
After breakfast we walked around the resort then caught a shuttle to the airport to fly to Playa del Carmen.

We stayed at The Royal Hideaway. We would totally recommend this all-inclusive resort to anyone. It is amazing. I just found out that one of my friends I teach with is going here for her honeymoon in November. I'm so excited for them.
During the day we spent most of our time soaking up the sun and laying out by the beach or pool.
We even met some friends that were married on the same day and were from Longview.
Every evening we got all dressed up to eat at some amazing restaurants. I don't think there was anything we ordered that we didn't like. There were 5 different restaurants at the resort. There was a Mexican restaurant, an Italian restaurant, an Asian restaurant, their Signature restaurant and a dinner theatre.
Our favorite night was when we went to a dinner theatre. The show was kind of like Cirque. The show was so entertaining and the food was the best food we had all week.
One afternoon we took a cab into town. It was so hot, so we didn't stay out long. Matt got to take a picture with an iguana.
And I bought some jewelry and some pure vanilla.
We had so much fun on our honeymoon and we can't wait to go back someday!!

1 comment:

  1. ahhh I understand completely! I SO want to re-live our honeymoon! it was fantastic and it looks like yours was too!
