Sunday, August 09, 2009

office space

We have an extra bedroom in our house that is supposed to serve as our "office", but I just hate being in there. It's the only unfinished/not decorated room in our house. I have no desire to finish it because someday it's going to have to be a nursery. (Not any time soon though, so don't get your hopes up!) So this past week I have been working on my new office space in the corner of my kitchen.

Here is what I started with....

A little desk that I got at a garage sale two summers ago for $2...

That was apparently a liquor cabinet because we unscrewed these off the side.
(I had been using it as a desk before I married Matt and the labels were all turned around. We didn't discover it was a liquor cabinet until the week!!)
After completely taking it apart.....

....sanding it....

......two coats of red paint.....

......two coats of black paint....

.....a little bit more sanding so the red would show through...

.....and some new decorations.

This is how my new office space turned out!!

I wanted the red paint to show through a little bit more, but hopefully it will in the future with some normal wear and tear. I also changed the hardware from the ugly gold handle to one that matches the hardware on my kitchen drawers.

Here's closer look at the new decor. The large picture frame was on clearance for $5 because the glass was cracked and there were some nicks on the side. I didn't really know what I wanted to do with it, but my little decorator husband came up with the idea to put the L in it. The shelf was 50% off at Hobby Lobby and the lamp, chair and all the picture frames are old decorations I had in college. The bulletin board was also something I had in college, but it was green, so I just painted it black.

I just love my new office space!!


  1. I love your little office space too!

  2. It looks great! You are so crafty. Now we need to see pictures of the new countertops. :)

  3. you are so crafty! this is cool.

  4. You are so creative! I love the colors! :)

  5. Very chic!! You are so creative!! I love reading your blog. It motivates me to improve some areas in my home that I have put off doing.

  6. Your new office area is super cute!

  7. Cute! And who knew my little brother had the decorating gene in him?!?

  8. It looks great! I love all the decorations around it too!
