Sunday, October 18, 2009

babies, babies, babies

First off, we are NOT having a baby.

They were just all over the place today. My old roommate even e-mailed me to tell me that she had a dream that I was pregnant
It all started off by working in Joyland (the nursery at our church). Matt and I work in a 2 year old class once a month. I just love playing with our little kiddos. They are at such a fun age.

After church I went to a baby shower for Kristin. Baby Bryson is due to arrive on December 21st. I just love baby showers!! It always give me a slight baby fever.

After the shower, my sister-in-law Ashley, called last minute to see if I could babysit Carson. Of course I said yes. I don't get to babysit him very often because my Mom always gets first dibs when Ashley needs a babysitter. We had so much fun!!

Carson was sooooo excited to go on a walk!!
I was super excited to go on a walk too. I hadn't worked out at all since I was sick so, it felt good to get a little exercise.
We were being silly before we left for our walk.
I hooked Izzie on the handle of the stroller, and Carson held onto the leash the entire walk. I really think he was walking her. He laughed every time her leash got tangled in the wheel or she barked at other dogs. It was hilarious!!

After our walk we came back and played in the backyard with Izzie. Carson sat on the step like a big boy and ate some cheerios and drank some milk. He was quite a happy boy!!
He even shared some Cheerio crumbs with Izzie.
And now you see why the title of this post was "babies, babies, babies"!

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