Monday, October 19, 2009

meal planning monday

Meal Planning Monday is finally. For the last 3 weeks, we have been eating food people brought to me while I was sick, eating out, or eating whatever I could quickly put together. I am so ready to be organized and on top of things again. I love meal planning because it's so nice to come home and know exactly what I'm going to cook and I know I have all the ingredients to cook it.

So here's what we are having this week.

Monday: Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas (Thanks Johanna!!)

Tuesday: Stew & Cornbread

Wednesday: Southwestern Chicken & Bacon Wraps, Chips & Salsa

Thursday: Chicken Salad and Chips

Friday: Barbeque Chicken, Fried Squash, and Curly Fries

Saturday Breakfast: BAYLOR Homecoming

Saturday Lunch: BAYLOR Homecoming

Saturday Dinner: BAYLOR Homecoming

Sunday Lunch: Last Sunday Lunch w/ our ABF

Sunday Dinner: Twice Baked Potatoes & Fruit Salad

I'll be catching up on some blogging from this weekend later this afternoon. So be sure to stop back by!!


  1. What's your recipe for the Southwestern Chicken and Bacaon Wraps? I'm going to be in Waco this weekend as well!!

  2. Katy! Will you send me your enchilada recipe? That sounds yummy!
