Saturday, January 09, 2010

$800 later....

I got my computer back on Wednesday with everything back on it!!

TaylorMark successfully retrieved all my data and Apple replace my hard drive.

Fortunately, my computer was still under warranty, so I got my hard drive replaced for free. Part of my keyboard was peeling off, so they even replaced that too. Unfortunately, it cost us $800 to get all my data back.

It absolutely killed me to pay $800, but I think it was worth it not to lose all my pictures.

I have already backed up everything onto an external hard drive and I'm working on setting up a Flickr account. If my computer ever crashes again, I'll be prepared!! I definitely learned my lesson the hard/expensive way this time.


  1. How is the new hard drive working?!?!? Hopefully fabulous!

  2. Glad to hear you got all your pictures back; I'm sure that was incredibly stressful! Just fyi, if you have a macbook, the keyboard peeling off is apparently a design flaw. It's under warranty for the lifetime of the computer, so if that part happens again, just take it to an apple store and they will replace it. Mine has done it 3 times already haha

  3. OUCH!!! We too have pictures we need to get off our older computer. I am going to have to get one of those new hard drives and get busy!

  4. I'm glad you got everything back and working. Sometimes being a grown up stinks (having to pay for expensive repairs). Drew and I know what that is like for sure. Way to go getting all your stuff backed up and being prepared!

  5. i am so lucky my husband is an IT guy. i constantly have computer problems and have saved so much money having him around. glad to hear you salvaged your photos. yes, it is so important to keep them on an online album. i actually took photos of things we own and put them online on photobucket for insurance purposes. if there was god forbid a fire, we have proof of them online.

