Friday, January 08, 2010

show us how you live fridays

Every Friday, Kelly's Korner she host a Blog Carnival called Show Us Your Life. It started out as just showing each room in your house, but it has evolves to literally just showing/blogging about a specific topic. I always wanted to do it last year, but I just never got around to it. I'm going to try to participate in all of them this year. So from here on out my Friday posts, will be a part of Show Us Your Life.

{New Years Resolutions}

Last year I made quite a few New Years Resolutions. I was actually able to keep all but a couple of them. I didn't resolve to anything huge or out of the ordinary. They were all simple things that I knew I could do. I just wanted to type them out so I would hold myself accountable. I plan to Bolddo the same thing this year.

I know it looks like I have a ton of New Year's Resolutions but they are just small things.

Here are my resolutions for 2010.....

I want to back up all my pictures, music and documents to an external hard drive and also back them up some where else.

I want to find new ways to work out, since we canceled our gym membership this year.

I want to read my 365 day devotional daily.

I want to write in our Blessings Book daily.
(I'll blog later about our Blessings Book)

I want to have people over for dinner more often.

I want to comment more on other people's blogs. I love getting comments, but I'm so lazy and never comment on anyone else's blog.

I want to continue learning more about digital scrapbooking & photography.

I want to finish some decorating projects so my house can be completely decorated.

I want to learn how to sew.

I want to have my Christmas shopping and Christmas cards done before Thanksgiving.

I want to make new stockings.

I want to keep my house, my classroom, and my computer more organized.

I want to simplify my life and enjoy every moment of 2010.

And since I'm retyping this post, I think I might add a few more while I'm at it!!

*I want to try to stop biting my nails.

*I want to keep my grocery bill under $300 a month, preferably around $250.

*I want to keep my car clean.

*I want to participate Show Us Your Life Fridays!!


  1. were you able to recover all your data?

  2. so learn to sew before you finish decorating! you'll be so glad you did!
