Monday, February 01, 2010

meal planning monday

Monday: Leftover Enchiladas (I'm planning on sharing this recipe this week)

Tuesday: Roast, Carrots & Potatoes & Crescents

Wednesday: Swiss Stuffing Chicken, Salad, & French Bread

Thursday: PW's Chicken Spaghetti & Veggies

Friday: Crockpot Chicken & Spicy Black Bean Tacos

Saturday Breakfast: Matt: Men's Breakfast w/ ABF Me: Cereal

Saturday Lunch: Pizza

Saturday Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup & Crab Triangles

Sunday Lunch: Toasted Whole Grain Apple Cheddar Paninis & Chips (I think I might add bacon)

Sunday Dinner: Super Bowl Party w/ Matt's Family

Don't forget to link up, and be sure to link to your actual Meal Planning Monday post, not just your blog address. Thanks so much for participating. I really do love seeing you meal ideas each week!!


  1. PW's Chicken Spaghetti is really delicious! You will love it! Have a great week!

  2. I made you cresent chicken tonight. It was yummy!! :)

  3. Hey Katy,

    Tell me more about the mclinky. Is that how you can have words linked to a site instead of typing the web address? Trying to become blog savy...not easy!


  4. We had the Swiss Stuffing Chicken tonight and loved it!!! I showed Jeff your meal planning Mondays and there are several recipes we are going to try this week! Thanks for sharing!
