Saturday, February 20, 2010

name that tune champs....again

Last night our Honeymooners ABF played Name That Tune. We played (and won!) last year, so we were really looking forward to this game night!!

The Cozad's have moved to a new ABF but they were so nice to host the game for us again!! They amaze me with their creativity and their music selections. They really made the night a blast!!

Our categories this year were....

Round 1:
{Baylor Bears} {Kickin' it Old School Christian}
{American Idol Contestants} {Dead or Alive}
{And The Grammy Goes To..}

Round 2:
{60's} {70's} {80's} {90's} {00's}

Round: 3
{Gangsta's & Wangsta's} {Contemporary Christian}
{Ben's Favs} {Sara's Favorites}
{Guitar Greatness}

Team 1 consisted of The Stones, The Howards, The Kennedy's and me & Matt!
Team 2 consisted of The Goodings, Eric (We missed you Julie), The Hutchisons, and The Zellners.
Our team lost the first round, won the second round, and the third round. Then we kicked some booty in the Lightning Round to win it all!!

Matt and I were on the winning team again!!
Yay....Team One!!

1 comment:

  1. This was absolutely so much fun and because I was on... the other team:) we declare a rematch! Yay for the Cozads for doing such a great job hosting:)
