Wednesday, March 17, 2010

current favorite snack

I've been on my computer all afternoon editing some of the Sr. pictures that I took on Monday. I'll be posting the rest of my first photo session later today!! But that's not what this post is about.
This post is about my favorite snack right now! I have to have an afternoon snack because when I am in school, I eat lunch at 10:30. I'm starving by the time I get home and I can't wait until Matt gets home to eat. So I am in the habit of having an "after school snack". I started to eat my afternoon snack today, and thought I would share it with you because it is "oh so yummy"!!

Wheat Thins & Garden Vegetable Cream Cheese
(just in case you can't read backwards)
Notice that the Wheat Thins are not the reduced fat kind. I ate those my whole entire life thinking there wasn't really a difference between those and the original ones. Oh boy, I have been missing out!! I accidentally bought the original ones the other day and I'll never go back to the reduce fat kind. It's worth the extra calories!!

And you know it wouldn't be a complete snack without a Happy Hour Sonic drink!!
What's your favorite "after school snack"?

And I hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


  1. I honestly probably enjoy too many of them... but some of my favs are cheese its, gold fish, fruit, and my current love... laughing cow cheese and crackers. Oh it is super yummy!!!

  2. My new favorite snack is carrots dipped in red pepper hummus! Its amazing!!
