Tuesday, March 16, 2010

oh shoot!

Last night I signed up for my first photography class, Oh Shoot! Digital Photography with Candice Stringham. I've been taking FREE classes at Wolf Camera, but I'm ready to take some more in depth classes. Since I have a full time job teaching Kindergarten, I am not able to take your typical photography classes. I have really enjoyed my digital scrapbooking classes from this website, so I thought I would give the photography class a try. My class starts online, March 22nd!! It is a 7 week course where I will get video tutorials, lesson plans and assignments through e-mail each week, and daily e-mails from my instructor with coupons, inspiration and encouragement. I will have access to a class message board and photo gallery and my instructor will also host a weekly online chat where we can personally ask her questions. I'm excited to "meet" my instructor and learn lots of new things from her.
After my class starts on Monday, I will need to have some photo sessions to practice what I have learned.

Stay tuned to my blog for an opportunity for you to have a FREE photo session with me!!

1 comment:

  1. you go girl! so, any other cheap easy play ideas for my almost kindy-gardner teacher?
