Monday, March 15, 2010

photo session sneak peaks

Today I had the privilege of taking Sr. pictures for two sweet girls. I've been wanting to get into photography, but have never really had the time or subjects to play around with. When I was asked to take these girls pictures I just knew this was my chance to dive in head first into photography. After taking these pictures today, I know this is something I really want to pursue.

I had a blast taking pictures of these girls. They are both beautiful girls with great smiles so they were so easy to photograph.

Here's a sneak peak of 2 of the photos 405 pictures I took today.
**I had no idea how they would turn out so I wanted to take a ton to make sure I at least got a few good ones!!


I'll post more after I edit them this week!!


  1. Those look great!!! I can't wait to see more!!! After seeing all your digitial scrapbooking and your wonderful pics I am thinking about getting an SLR... maybe when I have more money. Way to go you for pursuing this!!!

  2. These photos look great. Nice job Katy! Can't wait to see more of your photography.

  3. These pictures are super good! I can't wait to see the rest of them :)

  4. Great pictures! My family is very excited about our turn. Just let me know when and we will be ready! :)

  5. They look great! I have an about to be 6 year old that you could use to practice! hahaha I can't wait to see more!

  6. These are fabulous, Katy! What fun! You are one talented lady!

  7. OK Katy! I think I may have to have you do a photo shoot for my hubby and I! NO KIDDING! We haven't had pics done since our wedding..7 years in Sept!!!!!!! Name your price! These are excellent!!

  8. These are great! Hope that you had fun!

  9. OOOOOO I love my Kaley J! I can't wait to see the rest of hers! I so love photography. I want to get started. :)
