Sunday, April 18, 2010

1/2 of 1/2

Have you ever shopped at Half of Half? What do you think about it?

I think I'm going to swing by there tomorrow and see what it's all about. I have heard of it in the past, but I have never been. Just this past week, I swear I talked to 3 or 4 people that mentioned it.

I don't mind digging to find a good deal, so maybe I come home with some cute new Spring clothes. I'll let you know what I find!!


  1. My mom dragged me there. Not my thing - I think you can do just as well at a good Macy's sale with coupons, etc. Be prepared for a LOT of digging. Also, be sure to try-on and carefully inspect anything before you buy it. Many items are there because they are damaged in some way (broken straps, bad zippers, stains etc.) - of course, if you don't mind taking a chance on being able to fix stuff...but me, I don't have time for that and know that it would just end up sitting in my closet forever before I'd finally give up and give it to charity. The one time I went, I did buy a couple of things, but I wouldn't go back. My mom still goes all the time - she's a shopoholic.

  2. Didn't much like it. Like a big garage sale. Maybe it would be better on Wed. after they restock. I enjoyed our time together though, Katy.

  3. Didn't much like it. It was like a big garage sale. However, I like garage sales. Maybe better on Wed. after they restock. I did enjoy our time together, Katy.
