Saturday, April 17, 2010

skinny taste

When it comes to eating, I do a pretty good job of eating healthy for breakfast and lunch. It's always dinner where I'm not really the greatest at cooking healthy. I love trying new recipes, but they aren't always the healthiest.

I recently found this website, and I'm excited to try lots of her recipes out. So far I've tried the Cilantro Lime Shrimp and the Baked Zuchinni and they were both delicious.

I also get new recipes from here and here. Some are healthy some are not, but everything I have tried has been yummy!!

Where you do find new recipes?


  1. Well, I get recipes from you and PH&H! :) But, I also like to go thru and find/modify recipes to what we like! Can't wait to check out the new site you posted.

  2. Love Gina's!! amazing!! thank you for sharing! I'm telling all my friends about it. I've started using I'm doing the WW one.. It is pretty good and keeps the budget low. I signed up for 3 months - only 5 dollars a month. I've liked having everything planned out... even my grocery list!
