Wednesday, July 07, 2010

this is why i don't post pictures of me wakeboarding

Alternately titled: "The post in which I make fun of myself"

Remember here when I said I didn't post any pictures of me wakeboarding because all the faces I made were awful.  

When we went to the lake Monday, I tried to get some good pictures of me wakeboarding.

Not successful.

Here is why I don't post pictures of me wakeboarding.....
The faces....
...that I make....
.....while wakeboarding....
.....are just awful.
**When I was jumping I remember thinking, "I'm going to smile while I jump."  That didn't work out so well.
This is the worst picture though.
I mean look at it. Awful....
I think I'll just stick with pose and smile pictures on the boat!!


  1. P-HAH!!!!! I don't let Matt take too many of me, either....and you're super brave to even ATTEMPT a jump....I'm a WUSS!!!

  2. I keep having trouble posting on your blog. Finally, it worked today! I got some pretty good pictures of you, you just make worried faces. I knew you weren't smiling as I took them.

  3. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! This cracks me up...I feel the same way about pictures of me, so don't worry. :-)

  4. Haha... I love that second to last picture. I have SO many pictures of me playing basketball in high school with faces like that.

    But at least your moves look really good! Look how high you're getting! :)

  5. I have never even been wakeboarding! You are brave!

  6. Haha my pictures look the exact same! This time, I only got a picture from my dad's iPhone, so it's pretty far away so you can't see my face. Haha :) Glad you had fun!

  7. Those are hilarious!! Britni, Kylie and Austin all ran track and cross country and I have some pretty wicked looking pics of them running - especially the last bit of the race when they were dog tired! LOL Thanks for sharing!
