Wednesday, August 25, 2010

14th row fun

Yesterday afternoon I got a text from Matt saying that some of our friends had won 4 free tickets to the Ranger's game and wanted to know if we could go.  Matt knew I was exhausted from the first day of school so he made sure to put in the text that the seats were on the 14th row!!  There was no way I could say no to tickets on the 14th row on one of the coolest evenings of the summer.  Even if I was tired.  
I am so glad that we got to got to the game early, because the Army Golden Knights did a parachute demo on the field.  The first plane dropped one person, and the second plane dropped 6 people.
While the skydivers were landing, one got stuck on the flagpole.  It was crazy!!
You can see a video of it here.
Our seats were behind the Rangers dugout (and to the right a little bit).  We were definitely in the foul ball zone for left handed hitters.  It really made me watch the game.  I was even able to catch Josh Hamilton's homerun hit!! Can  you see the ball??
It was just a great night to be at the ballpark.  It was 82 and breezy and the whole game was so exciting. It was a close game until the very end.  I had the most fun I think I have ever had at a Rangers game.  I LOVED being so close and right in the action, especially at a winning game!!

Thanks Julie & Eric for treating us to a fun & free night at the ballpark!!

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