Monday, August 23, 2010

first day of teaching kindergarten: take 4

Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Take 4
If you want to see all of my first days of school pictures growing up you can see them here.

I had a great first day of school.  I didn't have any major problems at all.  It an exhausting day though. I literally have to tell them how to do everything.

Here's what I sound like through out the day.....

"Please don't do that, no ma'am, tuck your chair in, great job, stay quiet, no sir, put a bubble in your mouth, sit down, write your name, don't touch the walls, walk quietly, go potty, great job, get a drink, not yet, straight line please, line up, criss-cross-apple sauce, watch where you are going, hands in your lap, kiss your brain, are you listening, come over here, awesome job"**

**multiplied by 10 or maybe 20 or more like 40


  1. You are so cute with your teacher shirt and bag! I like your comments from your kinders--so funny!! Also, that broccoli salad looks awesome--I'll have to try it!

    Jenn A.

  2. Love the 1st day of school pictures. I could tell 7th grade was probably your favorite! I noticed you even updated your teaching bag from year 1 to year 3 with your new name. So cute! Hope you are loving your class all the new kiddos!

  3. Kiss your brain??? Haven't heard that one before.
