Saturday, January 01, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Well, it's officially 2011, which means it's time to make my New Years Resolutions.  Yes, I'm one of those people that makes New Years Resolutions.  None of them are ever that big of a deal, but I like to type out my "intentions" for the year.  

Here were my resolutions from last year.

Let's see how I did......
  1.  I want to back up all my pictures, music and documents to an external hard drive and also back them up some where else. Did it!!  If anything every happens to my computer, I can rest assured that NONE of my stuff will be lost.  I've got it all on an external hard drive that I back up every few months.
  2. I want to find new ways to work out, since we canceled our gym membership this year. I started doing Exercise TV through Verizon Fios, running with Matt, and doing 30 Day Shred until I found out I was pregnant!!  I have to start working out again though.
  3. I want to read my 365 day devotional daily.  Sadly I didn't finish this book, I'm going to do my best to read it all this year.
  4. I want to write in our Blessings Book daily. Matt and I did so good until about March.  Our book got buried under some other books and we forgot to do it.  I'd like to do it again this year. 
  5. I want to have people over for dinner more often. We had dinner guest a few times, I had my family over a few times, and even hosted a few parties.  
  6. I want to comment more on other people's blogs. I love getting comments, but I'm so lazy and never comment on anyone else's blog. I did so good at this at the beginning of the year.  I tried to leave a comment on every post I read.  It was amazing how many comments I got on my blog in return.  Unfortunately, I got lazy and quit leaving comments, and guess what....I got less comments on my blog.  So I'm going to do my best to give comments this year, because I love getting comments!!
  7. I want to continue learning more about digital scrapbooking & photography.  I learned alot last year and I hope to learn even more this year. 
  8. I want to finish some decorating projects so my house can be completely decorated. I did alot of little decorating projects this year, some of which I just finished last week.  I think it's safe to say our house is completely decorated, except for the baby's room of course!!
  9. I want to learn how to sew. Didn't happen this.  And I don't think it ever will.  My Mom is just so good at sewing that I can't find a reason to learn when my Mom can do it all way better than I ever could.  
  10. I want to have my Christmas shopping and Christmas cards done before Thanksgiving. I had most of my shopping done before Christmas.  We had to pick up a few things after Thanksgiving because I became quite lazy after I found out I was pregnant.  I definitely didn't have my Christmas cards done before Thanksgiving this year.  I actually had them made because I didn't even feel like doing them this year!!
  11. I want to make new stockings. This didn't happen this year, but it will next year because we are going to need a third stocking next Christmas.
  12. I want to keep my house, my classroom, and my computer more organized. I think I did a pretty good job at this.  My classroom and computer are probably a little bit more organized that my house, but I think I keep a pretty clean house.  Okay, maybe it's not always clean, but it is straightened!!
  13. I want to simplify my life and enjoy every moment of 2010. I enjoyed every bit of 2010!!

It's kind of weird making resolutions this year, because I have no idea what my life is going to look like in six months.  I hear "A baby changes everything!"

Here are my resolutions for 2011....

1.  I want to read my 365 day devotional book and be more intentional about my time with the Lord.  

2.  Complete Project 365 by taking one picture a day.

3.  Comment more on other people's blogs.

4.  Try one new recipe a week.  (atleast until the baby comes)

5.  Quit picking my finger nails.  (I've quit picking 8 of them, since my pre-natal vitamins make them grow like crazy, but for some reason I still pick on both of my middle fingers! Funny huh?)

6.  Continue to coupon and bring my grocery budget down even more. 

7.  Work out 2-3 times a week throughout my pregnancy and hopefully even more after the baby.

8.  Floss my teeth.

9.  Write in our Blessing Book.

10.  Enjoy every moment of my pregnancy and cherish every moment with our sweet babe. 


  1. I know where you're coming from on the working out through the pregnancy. First trimester, I was so tired all the time that I pretty much only went to the classes that I taught (which had been taken down to about 1 a week since I was taken off of high impact). Second trimester, I had a lot more energy and got back to going around 3 or so times per week. A bit into the third trimester, I started getting tired again and my bigger size made everything feel so much harder that my workouts tapered off to basically nothing before I landed myself on bedrest. So, just prepare yourself for that possibility and remember that all your nesting activities will be like a workout so don't be too hard on yourself about that. Have fun! :)

  2. No excuse for not learning to sew - you really need to. I won't always be here!! And you have a great teacher at your fingertips!
    I'm glad you got your shopping done by CHRISTMAS.

  3. Flossing! WOAH! That is a good one! My husband, and your dentist would be so proud!
