Saturday, January 01, 2011

project 365

This year, I've decided to do Project 365.  I'm going to take a picture each day this year.  After the baby is born, I'll definitely have someone/something to take a picture of, I'm just going to have to be creative for the beginning of this year!!

If you are interested in looking at my pictures, you can click on this little logo on the sidebar of my blog.
It will take you to my ShutterCal page!!


  1. Going on a cruise sounds wonderful! I would love to go on a cruise with Evan before babies... but who knows...

    I did some blogging... and I am also going to do Project 365 with ShutterCal! :) Maybe I can figure out how to post my link...

  2. Rats! I already fail at this one because I forgot to take any pictures yesterday... although I think I took some after midnight on New Year's Eve, so I'll say that those count. This is a good goal!
