Wednesday, February 02, 2011

a grand time

We had a grand time in Grand Cayman.  This was definitely our favorite day!!

There isn't a port in George Town, so we had to anchor in the ocean and take a tender to the dock.  We loved having our balcony to look out and see the beautiful island before we got on it.  
 We were on the first tender off the boat because we had an excursion that we had to get to.  We went on an excursion that took us on a tour of the city

Our first stop was a walk on Seven Mile Beach.
 It was absolutely gorgeous.  
 All the different shades of blue were breathtaking!
I wish we could have stayed there longer .  I didn't want to leave.
 The funny thing is that Seven Mile Beach is only 5.9 miles long.  Tourist and cruise ships started calling it Seven Mile Beach, and the name just stuck.
 Our next stop was Hell.
 There really isn't much to see, but I can now say that I've been to Hell!!  Ha!!
 We took this picture just for Matt's Dad, because he is a postmaster.  
 Our next stop was the Tortuga Rum Factory.  Matt sampled some rum.
 I sampled some rum cake.  Don't worry, I just took a teeny bite, and I didn't even like it.  It was a little to "Rumy" for me. Matt like it though. 
 I just couldn't get over how beautiful the water was.  
 Our next stop was to a Turtle Farm.  

The sea turtles weighed anywhere from 500-700 pounds.
 They were huge.
We weren't allowed to touch the big ones, but our tour guide pulled one out of the water for us to see up close.
There were also some big tanks full of all the little baby turtles.  These turtles were all about 1-2 years old. 
 We were allowed to hold these turtles, so our tour guide showed us how it was done. 
 Matt was one of the first people in our group that got a turtle out of the water.  
 Check out the turtles eyes.
 I wasn't brave enough to pull a turtle out by myself, so I just held the one that Matt pulled out.
 Every time he flapped his little legs it actually kind of hurt, so I couldn't hold him for very long.
 Our tour guide gave us a little time to tour the park on our own.  He recommended that we try turtle stew or turtle soup, but it was like $25 a bowl, so Matt tried CayBrew, the local beer, and I just got a trusty ole Snickers Ice Cream Bar!!
After our tour was over, we asked our tour guide where he recommended that we eat lunch.  He suggested a place called Guy Harvey's.  It was awesome.  It had a beautiful view of the water and our ship and a Carnival ship out in the ocean.
 I got crab cakes.
 Matt got fish and chips.
 They were both delicious and the view was great!!
 On our way back to the ship, we couldn't get over how bright teal the water was.  It was unbelievable. 
 Since we got on the ship a few hours before we would be leaving, we put our swimsuits on and headed to the Lido deck to get a little sun.
 Almost every afternoon, we went to the Windjammer and got a big plate of fruit for an afternoon snack. It was so fresh and so sweet!!

 AFter a couple of hours in the sun, and watching our ship set sail, we stopped at the Promenade Cafe and had an early dinner snack.  

The Promenade Cafe was awesome.  It was open 24 hours a day.  They always had pizza and fruit.  It the mornings, they had breakfast pastries, and in the afternoon/evenings they had sandwiches and desserts!!  We might have gotten a few too many snacks here!

 Before dinner, we went to the ice show.  It was really good.  It was a teeny tiny ice rink, but the skaters did some pretty impressive moves.
Dinner was really one of our favorite things each evening.  

We had a great table.  We all got to know each other really well.  The dining room was so elegant.  It was three stories tall and we were on the bottom/main floor.  It had a beautiful staircase in the back that reminded us of the Titanic.
After dinner, we went to the Love & Marriage game show.  We have seen how the show works, so we made sure not to volunteer.  The three couples they chose were hilarious.  We had lots of good laughs!!

When we got back to our room we were greeted by a little towel animal!!

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