Thursday, February 03, 2011

jamaica 'mon

Our final port of call was Montego Bay, Jamaica.  Since we didn't go to the beach at either one of the ports, that is what we wanted to do in Jamaica.  We had heard from a few people that Jamaica could be kind of scary, and the public beaches have all sorts of people trying to sell you stuff.  We didn't want to have to deal with any of that, so we bought a day pass at the Sandals Resort.
 We had full access to the entire resort including free drinks and food.  I started my day off with a Diet Coke.  I really haven't drank to many cokes during my pregnancy, but I was really craving one!!
Matt started his day off with a pina colada!!
 It really looked like it was going to rain, but it ended up being just a little overcast in the morning.  
 I finished reading The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy so my next book was Nursing Your Baby.  Do you think I made it obvious that I am pregnant?
 We soaked up the sun and read for a good portion of the morning, 
 then we relaxed and took a nap on one of the beach beds.  
 It was so comfortable and so relaxing.
 We ate lunch out on the patio overlooking the ocean.  
 After lunch I sipped on a Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri.  
 We strolled the beach for a little bit, 
 swam in the ocean,
 and then headed back to the ship.  It's crazy how tired a relaxing day at the beach can make you.  We  got back on the ship around 4pm, had some fruit and pizza, then took a nap until right before dinner at 8pm.  
 We were like all the old people on the ship and went to bed right after dinner.  We were pooped.  
 We were greeted in our room by a little sea turtle!

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