Wednesday, March 02, 2011

calling all mommies: breastfeeding

A couple of months ago I posted a question

I was blown away at the response that I got from all the Moms that read my blog.  I had no idea so many Moms even read my blog. Now that the arrival of our baby is getting closer and closer, I keep thinking of more questions I have for all you Moms out there.   

I've decided that each Wednesday until our little guy is here, I'm going to post a question or a topic that I would love to have your two cents on.  If I get a good response, I might even continue posting questions after Pearson is here because I'm sure I'll have lots of questions then too!!

This week the topic is.....


I realize that this is a pretty heavy topic, but I just went to the breastfeeding class at our hospital on Monday so it's fresh on my mind.  The class was so informative and I learned so much.  I'm super excited about breastfeeding Pearson and hope to be successful, but I still have lots of questions.  

How long did you breastfeed?
What was the hardest part?
Why did you stop?
Do/did you have a breast pump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
What kind of bottles do/did you use?

These are just a few questions, but feel free to chime in giving any advice on breastfeeding.  I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    How long did you breastfeed?
    My baby girl is 8 weeks old today and today is the first day I haven't breastfed her at all.
    What was the hardest part?
    Dealing with feeding every hour or two with the crazy whirlwind of emotions I was feeling and the sleep deprivation. No one told me how emotional I would be and how much I would cry in the first week or two after she was born so that was hard. I also felt like as soon as I was done feeding her, she needed to eat again. I have now learned that is totally normal and gets much better but it was so hard in the beginning while I was so sleep deprived. I found out I wasn't nearly as determined to breastfeed as I thought I was. It was a lot harder than I expected.
    Why did you stop?
    We started supplementing with formula in the hospital because my milk was not coming in and she was hungry and continued after we were discharged because she had lost a lot of weight. Once we were home I would nurse her but even after an hour, she still seemed hungry and I would give her a little formula and it would satisfy her. Slowly over the weeks we've increased formula and decreased nursing. She would stay latched on for over an hour and I was not happy being a human pacifier. I feel better and she seems more satisfied on formula.
    Do/did you have a breast pump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
    Medela pump in style. It worked well but I haven't used it much. I HATE pumping. It makes me feel like a cow.
    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
    Lansinoh pads. They are great.
    What kind of bottles do/did you use?
    Playtex drop ins. I LOVE these bottles. The price of the drop ins ($2.49 for 50 of the target brand) is totally worth not having to wash bottles constantly. All we do is hand wash the nipples with hot water and soap during the day (takes 30 seconds) and run them through the dishwasher every day or two.

  2. How long did you breastfeed?
    Until Charlie was about 10 months old.
    What was the hardest part?
    Stopping and starting. took him a couple days to learn to latch so I was pumping & bottle feeding for a few days. It isn't the same as when babies do it so my milk came in and I had issues with engorgement, but it worked it's way out once he started latching. Stopping...C weaned himself and I was getting frustrated b/c I had this idea in my head that I was BF until 12 mo and I was disappointed he wanted to stop, but it was actually a relief to stop b/c he was ready. Other than that it was fortunately easy for me and it has so many benefits I am so proud I did it for so long.
    Why did you stop?
    Not sure which came first, but Charlie quit wanting to nurse and my supply started to could have caused the other.
    Do/did you have a breast pump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
    I was fortunate that someone gave me a almost new Medela double pump in style. (I bought new accessories). I didn't pump too often b/c I was home with him, but when I did need it, it was awesome to have a really nice one. I used it in the beginning to get my supply going before he learned to latch and I used it in the end to relieve "fullness" as I was trying to wean. I used it for the few times I left him with our parents as well. Definitely worth the investment. Check out used ones(buy new accessories) b/c they are so much cheaper and the milk never touches the inside parts of the machine.
    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
    I bought one at Target I think. I would also invest in a few nursing tank tops...esp. if you are staying home with him b/c I never get out of my pjs anyways :)
    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
    I used disposable ones in the beginning...whatever the purple box is. Then I bought a couple of washable reusable ones online. They were awesome...thicker and more absorbent do I put this...kept me modest :) Let's just say once you BF you always look "cold" if you know what I mean.
    What kind of bottles do/did you use?
    I only had one or two bottles I got from the hospital in the beginning. I only left him literally maybe two times so he used them then. Once he weaned I used the First Year Breastflow...they are amazing...nipples are very similar to breast and they were literally the ONLY bottle Charlie would take since he was so used to BFing.

    In general, I'll tell you this. I know there are a lot of people that have issues with BFing...but I think for the most part if it is something you really want to do and can stay committed even when it gets frustrating, it is so worth it. In the beginning it is frustrating trying to teach the baby and your body what to do and it is so easy to give up when you are exhausted, but stay committed. It will get better. And yes they go through periods where they want to eat every hour sometimes. This is normal. As long as they are gaining weight like they should and making diapers like they should, just relax and feed them when they want it. That is one of the luxuries of being a stay at home mom. I realize some women have issues beyond their control and sometimes you just can't. But, keep determined and ask for help when you need it and don't give up. It is such a special thing...not to mention healthy and FREE! Yes it has it's drawbacks like when you are out or traveling finding places to feed in privacy, but it's worth it...think of all the bottles you don't have to wash!! Let me know if you have any other specific questions now or later! I love to pass on any mommy advice!

  3. How long did you breastfeed? - William is 4 months old, and I am still breastfeeding. He has never had anything but breastmilk. My goal is 6 months.

    What was the hardest part? - It was never hard for me, it is just very time consuming.

    Why did you stop?

    Do/did you have a breast pump? - YES!! While pumping is not fun, you have to get one in my opinion. What I did, and it has worked beautifully.... I pumped once a day, after I fed William in the morning, to start saving milk. At first you won't get much, but then your milk supply will build up - this is all after your milk comes in, bc it will be a lot at first. Then you can store milk in your freezer for times that you and Matt might want to go out to dinner,etc. If you don't store milk and pump you will be chained to Pearson, which is not a bad thing of course! but, sometimes you will have to go somewhere and he will need to take a bottle.

    What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it? - Everyday. I got the Medela Pump and Style. I would buy the best one you can - a double breast pump. The nicer ones are easier and faster.

    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear? - Nursing tanks from Target are great. Nursing bras from Target are horrible....

    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use? - Medela or Lanisnoh

    What kind of bottles do/did you use? - Dr. Browns... they have a lot of parts to wash, but they are the best! The other kinds let your baby get too much air when they are feeding and then get gas. eek!

    Other Notes: I HIGHLY recommend after about 3 weeks, when Pearson gets the hang of BF, to give him a bottle of breastmilk. Just so he can learn to go back and forth between you and a bottle. Have Matt give it to him at first, b/c if you do, he might not take it b/c he doesn't understand why you wont just feed him. If he doesn't take it at first, dont worry! Try again- it took William 3 times. BUT it is soo much better, b/c then other people can help you feed him. And promise me.... if he gets hungry enough, he will take a bottle. I'm not saying starve him until he does, but I personally think it is essential that they go back and forth between bottle and breast.

    Also, I wanted to breast feed exclusively, so when I got to the hospital, I told the nurses in labor and delivery that when he was born, I did not want him given a bottle of formula, unless it was medically neccessary. Even if he just gets a few drops of colostrum from you - it is all he needs - I promise! It is like an uber concentrated breastmilk that comes before your milk.

    Call me or email me Kate if you have ANY questions!! I am a pretty laid back mom, and we still do everything we did before, just with baby! Which I love!

  4. How long did you breastfeed?
    Ryleigh is 8 weeks and I'm still breastfeeding - hoping to make it to a year!
    What was the hardest part?
    hardest part? that'd be getting up at 2am :) it was hard at first but now it's just tiring...i wouldn't trade it for the world though...i love my time one on one with my girl
    Why did you stop?
    haven't and don't plan to until I need too!
    Do/did you have a breast pump?
    I was fortunate to recieve a medela double pump in style...i purchased new accessories (pretty cheap) and the pump is the best - totally worth the investment :) excellent, excellent pump - it pumps super fast too! I'm staying at home with I just pump when I'm really full or if I know I need to have a bottle ready...also i've started taking advice from What to Expect the 1st Year, which recommends always pumping an hour after your 7-8am feeding b/c that's when you have the most milk...since i've started doing that i've been able to store up a good amount!
    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
    I have a sports nursing bra from motherhood maternity that I sleep in (you'll want atleast 2) and regular nursing bras by playtex (bought at an outlet) that are fantastic
    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
    originally purchased the reuseable/washable kind and totally disliked them! They were gross all the time - blah! From the 2nd week I started using the purple box of disposable ones and I love them - they are so much easier and work great!
    What kind of bottles do/did you use?
    I don't know that it's that big of a deal - as long as you have the slow flow nipples - the ones that mimic breastfeeding are the ones I have - she takes 2 different ones - a nuk and breastflow.

    Sidenote - please purchase BabyWise - it is a phenomonal book that has been extremely beneficial to me!! I wouldn't read it until your 9th month or so simply because of the overload of information and it's nothing you need to know until your baby boy arrives!! The book is great advice on the type of schedule you can set up and it's worked beautifully with Ryleigh.
    I got mixed reviews on when to pump for the 1st time and when to introduce a bottle - here's what I did...I waited until we had a good schedule down before I pumped - about 3 weeks - I introduced a bottle at 4 weeks but did so slowly. I would pump one side and let Steve give her a bottle for that side and then I'd BF the other side. The 5th week I started letting him do a full feeding once a day and now we just do it when we're going out or to give me afew more hours of sleep at night. Never more than one bottle a day - yet anyway!
    She never had any problem with "nipple confusion", my nurses all said it's more like "flow confusion" hence making sure you have a nipple with slow flow when you introduce a bottle!
    So this is super long and i'm obviously only 8 weeks into this but I do like sharing what i've learned so far!!

  5. How long did you breastfeed?

    Amoriyah just turned 7 months old and I'm still breastfeeding 4-6 times a day most days. The times she gets a bottle with formula are times when either I'm not with her or were out at a restaurant or something.

    What was the hardest part?

    The pain I felt the first few weeks. I know EVERYTHING I read told me "it will only hurt if the baby isn't latched on right." However, I'm not sure this is entirely true. I had 3 different lactation consultants help me in and out of the hospital and all 3 told me her latch and position were great. But, she somehow still gave me an actual "wound" if you will (won't go into detail here) but it wasn't pretty. In order to not hurt my supply, I had to pump for 2 weeks or so on one side every time I nursed and then give it to her in a bottle. I almost gave up several times. But, somehow God got us through it and it has gotten SOOO much easier and better and there hasn't been ANY pain at all since she was probably 4-6 weeks old. So, know that even if it's hard, that's totally and perfectly normal and 99.9% of new moms experience it. And have hope that it will get better with patience and practice.

    Pump questions....
    I borrowed my sister-in-law's Medela double-electric pump. It's awesome! I feel like it works really well. However, I don't have to use mine that much because I stay at home with her. But, it was a lifesaver for me in particular those first few weeks because of what happened as described above. I've also used her Avent hand-pump before and it also works well.

    What kind of nursing bras do you wear?

    I got all of mine at Target. They are the Gilligan and Omalley brand. However, I do not recommend them. I got them because they are cheap (around $15 each) and I figured I wouldn't need much. But, they don't fit very well at all; I think something with a little more coverage and more comfortable fit would be better. Next time around I'll probably look at Motherhood for bras. Something I wish I had gotten was nursing tops. I do have nursing camis that I wear seriously everyday/night; they're great to sleep in and wear under your regular shirts if you ever need to nurse in public. But, I do wish I had actual shirts that were nursing tops for modesty's sake.

    What kinds of nursing pads did you wear?

    Honestly, I wore several different kinds and don't even remember all the ones I used. The ones I wore the most were the Lansinoh ones because they're pretty thin. But, I've never really had a problem much with leaking but they're also very good, especially in the beginning, if you use lanolin (which I def. recommend!) I learned the hard way that that stuff gets everywhere and leaves grease stains on your shirts so it's good to have the pads to prevent it from getting on anything.

    What kinds of bottles do you use?

    Playtex drop-ins. I do really like these bottles. I get the Target or Walmart brand of the replacement liners because they're cheaper than the Playtex ones. They're great for preventing gas.

  6. I'll be doing a blog post sometime in the next week about my experience with breastfeeding so far (Naomi's almost 8 weeks old). It'll mostly cover general how it went and how I felt (it's not all puppies and kittens), but here's a little specifics that you asked and I probably won't cover. I got some nursing bras (mostly sports bra style) and nursing tops from Motherhood Maternity. I haven't used nursing pads so far, though I do have some from Madela. I have a Madela double pump that's pretty good, but after renting the hospital grade one from the hospital for two weeks... well, let's just say that one is way better and I was spoiled. We've tried a few different types of bottle and don't have too much of a preference so just figure out what works for you.

  7. How long did you breastfeed? - As long as they wanted to. The girls made it to a year. And stone is 15 months and still nurses, but only about twice a day.

    What was the hardest part? - The naysayers. Everyone saying, "just give up" or "He surely isn't getting enough." Its also a difficult transition at first because you are the ONLY one who can do it. But it is SO worth it.

    Why did you stop? - My milk supplied stopped (because I got pregnant) or they just lost interest.

    Do/did you have a breast pump? - YES

    What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it? - The Medela Freestyle. Crazy exspensive, but worth every penny. for a few reasons. You can use is without the use of your hands (WHAT!) and it doesn't have to be plugged in (aka - use it in the car or at the state fair. Yes I did.) I used it when necessary - like when I was going to be away from the baby or when I needed to store milk.

    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear? - do online shopping, but i agree with others - i mostly just wear nursing tanks.

    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use? - Medela or Lanisnoh

    What kind of bottles do/did you use? - Breastflow by first years. You can only by at BRU, but they are most like the breast. Have lots of parts, but they are most easily used by breastfed babies.

    Girl, its tough work. It might be one of the toughest things I have ever done, but the transition is the hardest. If you are determined to do it - you can. Trust your OWN instincs, and don't worry about the baby being latched on too long or feeding for a certain amount of time. Your body was created to do this - so let it do its magic! Good luck!

  8. How long did you breastfeed?
    Maegan - 7 months, Micah - 6 months

    What was the hardest part?
    Not knowing exactly how much milk they were actually getting.

    Why did you stop?
    Maegan - it was ALL her idea.
    Micah - my supply decreased

    Did you have a breastpump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
    Yes...Maegan - Medela manual. HATED IT. Used it maybe twice. Micah - Medela double Pump in Style (electric). Liked it a lot (as much as you can like a pump). Pumped for her several times a day for the last month or two I breastfed her. It was kindof a pain, but it helped to get her transition to formula by mixing it with breastmilk.

    What kind of nursing bras did you use?
    Motherhood Maternity - mostly the super soft crisscross sports bra type...not much support, but super comfy!

    What kind of nursing pads did you use?
    Lansinoh disposable..lifesavers!!! Along with the nipple cream!

    What kind of bottles did you use?
    Maegan - Avent
    Micah - Nuk...just depends on what they like!

  9. How long did you breastfeed?

    My baby is 5 months old, but I plan on breastfeeding longer rather than shorter! My mom nursed me and my siblings around 2 years. My sisters have nursed between 1-2 years, and my little one has a milk allergy so I will probably nurse longer to help combat other potential allergies.

    What was the hardest part?

    The beginning was so much harder than I realized even having 3 older sisters to give me advice! My little girl had a hard time latching and I got mastitis 3 times---THE WORST! I was so thankful I had gone to a breastfeeding class and had great support because I don't think I would have been able to stick with it if not.

    Why did you stop?
    Now I can't imagine stopping. It is so hard in the beginning because your schedule is so busy. Those first three months my baby didn't sleep through the night, she woke every 2-3 hrs, but then all of a sudden at month 3 she started sleeping from 7pm-5/6am (with an 830 pm feeding). I have never felt so good!

    Do/did you have a breast pump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?

    I stay at home so I didn't buy a pump but when I got mastitis I read that pumping the clog out can instantly make you feel better without antibiotics. My husband ran out to get one late at night! I have a Medela harmony, its a hand pump and very affordable, that was recommended by my lactation consultant. It is GREAT! I wouldn't get a hand pump if you need to pump multiple times a day. In the beginning I pumped every day 1-2 times because I was trying to combat mastitis and I had copious amounts of milk. I love it now still. I use it so I can leave my little girl with her grandparents for a date night once a month. I also used it around her 6 week birthday when I was about to loose it from lack of sleep. My husband was so sweet to insist I sleep through some of her middle of the night feedings so I could feel better. What a difference that made!

    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?

    My experience is that this depends on your size AFTER you have your baby. I bought bras that were 80% off at Gap and they are ridiculously small! I recommend buying nursing tanks ( Bravado and Glamourmom)for the first few weeks after you have your baby because your size will fluctuate a lot and you have no way of knowing if you will grow a lot or a little when your milk comes in. I would also get one or two bras that you can wear during that time (or send someone to get them for you when you come home from the hospital)>

    The best thing I did was get fitted when she was 2 months old because I needed very specific (and expensive) bras to get the right size , fit, and comfort. I am busty but have a small ribcage so its hard to get the right bra anywhere but specialty stores. No wire is imperative to avoid mastitis and I would invest in good bras like my favorites the Bravado and Elle McPherson.

    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
    I leaked a lot and also leaked all day long which apparently isn't the norm, so I use a lot of lansinoh breast pads (still and she is 5.5 months old). They are the most absorbent and not itchy like the medela. I also have washable cotton pads which are nice now but totally inadequate at the beginning.

    What kind of bottles do/did you use?

    Since we only use bottles for date nights etc I use avent bottles (Ihave a pack of 4). I don't think it is very important to spend a lot on bottles if you aren't going to use them all the time. My baby takes the avent bottle just fine while I am gone!

    Sorry it was so long winded but I have learned a lot in 5 months!! You will do great because it takes hard work,determination, and passion and you seem to have all of those things!

  10. Hi Katy... I'll stop lurking & comment. :-)

    How long did you breastfeed?
    Elliot is almost 5 months - we will do only breastmilk till 6 mos, then hoping to keep nursing through a year.

    What was the hardest part?
    It hurt(s). It still hurts me now, I think because E has a super-suck (it's not supposed to hurt this long, for sure!). I had thrush for several weeks at the beginning & didn't know it; I thought the pain was normal (shooting pains through your back to your shoulder blades is NOT normal). Also, it's not the awesome bonding experience everyone said it would be. But I know it's best for him, so I do it.

    Did you have a breastpump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
    Medela Pump in Style... great. E gets a bottle when we go out, or when I have Bible study, or sometimes at night to fill him up a bit more, then I always pump an hour or two afterward to try to keep my up my freezer supply.

    What kind of nursing bras did you use?
    Um, Bravado nursing tanks, & I can't remember what kind of bra... it's expensive tho, because I am ridiculously huge & disproportionate right now!

    What kind of nursing pads did you use?
    Lansinoh disposables, as well as Knickernappies reusable pads for day, then the organic cotton ones from BRU at night.

    What kind of bottles did you use?

    Also, regarding your diapers question... I'm not a pushy cloth diaper user, but since you are staying at home & I know you value saving money, I thought I'd mention them. They are super cute & there are so many more options than the old school prefold & cover. Not to mention how much you save!!

  11. How long did you breastfeed?
    I exclusivley breastfed for a month. But nursed and supplemented for another 3 months.
    What was the hardest part?
    I wasn't producing enough. There was no pain for me, or bleeding or anyting!
    Why did you stop? Dylan didn't gain back his birth weight until 4 weeks. I saw a lactation consultant and found out that I wasn't producing enough.
    Do/did you have a breast pump? I did. I had the Lansinoh double electric. It was pretty cheap ( 100) and easy to use. I actually was able to find a Madela Freestyle on an incredible sale at Target a few months ago, so I have that for Baby #2!
    What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it? I didn't start pumping until 2 weeks per the instructions of hospital LC's. I would pump after he ate in an attempt to get my supply up.
    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear? I wore one that I got at Motherhood Maternity.
    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use? I bought lansinoh, but never really needed to use them, becuase well I didn't leak! But I did use them once and they crinkled.:(
    What kind of bottles do/did you use?
    I used MAM'S, Born Free, and Dr. Browns. My advice on bottles is to make sure to buy ones that will hold more than 8 oz. Once Dylan got to be 9-10 Months, he was taking 8 oz bottles. My Dr. Drowns didn't hold that much. so I have to buy a few more.

    Good luck! Nursing was great. But don't be upset if for some reason you can't do it. I did EVERYTHING I could, pills, fenugreek, pumping nursing, everything, and I couldn't ever produce more than 3 oz per side. So it just doesn't happen for everyone, and I can tell you, even though I had a formula fed baby, he is VERY healthy and happy Also, I'm a stay at home mom in Murphy!:)

  12. Again, I LOVE that you are asking so many questions BEFORE Pearson is here... I was such a dummy for not asking!!!

    How long did you breastfeed?
    Eden is 5 mo. and we are still going strong! My goal is 8 months!

    What was the hardest part?
    Eden's biliruben levels were elevated in the hospital so she had to spend her time under the baby tanning bed as a pre-emptive strike on jaundice. The only way to get her out of that bed was to eat so I fed her as much as I could. It HURT so badly and I was constantly calling the lactation consultant (do that!!!). I ended up manually expressing colostrum and feeding it to her with a syrenge. It was torture. I wanted to give up and just do formula so many times but had a lot of encouragement from my mom and mom-in-love so we kept at it. The LC gave me a nipple shield by Medela which was my lifesaver! It protected me from blistering and made it easier for E to latch on. We used it until she was 3 mo. and she weaned herself off of it (you can buy them at Target or Babies R Us). I remember thinking all I did was feed the baby for 3 weeks straight and it got annoying. After that, I was so glad to have stuck with it. It's so easy to just pick up and leave the house - not having to worry about bringing bottles, formula, etc. Now I want to do it for as long as possbile!

    Do/did you have a breast pump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?

    Yes! I bought a Medela Pump in Style on Craigslist for $60 and just replaced the shield and tubing. Those are the only parts that touch body or milk. I basically just bought the motor and backpack/cooler. I love it. I hate to pump but it was a lifesaver when I went on a ladies' retreat for church this weekend and daddy stayed home w E. I started storing milk when E started sleeping through the night because I would wake up so full! B started giving her bottles around 1 month so she would get used to the idea of someone else feeding her.

    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
    What was on sale at Motherhood. I recommend getting ones without the underwire - they hurt when I'm full and the wireless stll give plenty of support. Definitely grab several nursing tanks from Target. That's all I wore for weeks!

    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
    I started out using Lansinoh disposables but I felt like I was weraing a diaper in my bra. I much prefer the NUK washables. I have around 12 pair and they are very discrete underneath the tanks.

    What kind of bottles do/did you use?
    Dr. Brown's! LOVE them! Lots of parts to clean but worth the extra time.

    I second the Babywise comment; however, don't get too worked up on a schedule. Your baby will let you know when it needs something and things don't regulate until 6-9 weeks so don't pressure yourself! Enjoy those first few weeks and cuddle as much as you want. By 7 weeks, Pearson will start becoming curious and cuddling becomes a thing of the past! I was going crazy in the early weeks for nothing trying to get E on a slep schedule. At 8 weeks, she started going down without a peep and sleeping through the night - it just has to happen when they are ready.

    Crazy new mom post -

    I look back at that and laugh now :)

  13. How long did you breastfeed?
    9 months. I pumped when I went back to work when B was 3 months and it was AWFUL. I wish I could have nursed him lnger, but I knew there was no way I could when I started teaching the next year.

    What was the hardest part?
    Finding places to nurse/pump. I've done both pretty much everywhere you can imagine. I wasn't into public breastfeeding. I Nursed in dressing rooms, bathrooms, cars, etc. I pumped in my car on the way to and home from work every day. Throw on a blanket and no one can tell. Ha!

    Why did you stop?
    teaching :( Coun't pump every spare second of my day. I will definitely be nursing longer with my 2nd

    Do/did you have a breast pump?
    Yep. Over used it, and it was crap towards the end. Since you wont have to pump at work, you definietly don't need the super duper ones, just get an electic/battery opperated one for relieving fullness and being able to give a bottle when you need to.

    What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
    Medela Swing. It was awesome for the first few months, but I definitely overused it when I went back to work. I got up every night for the first 3 months to pump in the middle of the night and then 4-5 times a day when I went back to work for 3 months. Pumping is NOT my friend.

    What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
    Cheap ones from Target. I opted for wireless and they were amazing!! I started buying nursing bras when my boobs were too big for my normal bras when I was pregnant so I ended up having several. You will go through them soooo fast at first (even with super thick nursing pads) that I ended up having to buy even more (and in a bigger size)

    What kind of nursing pads do/did you use? When I was pregnant, I bought thin ones, just thinking that you wouldn't be able to see them through clothes, but oh man, I learned my lesson quickly! I had reusable ones that were fine, but my fav were the super thick Johnson & Johnson pads.

    What kind of bottles do/did you use?
    Dr. Browns. work great, pain in the booty to clean and put together quickly in the middle of the night :)

    And also, get ready to lose ALL modesty if you plan to breastfeed. The lactation consultant/nurse/doctor/everyone else and their mom will be all over you at the hospital! and then if you plan on public breastfeeding, that's a whole other set of eyes, too!! haha

    But, it is SOOOO worth it. I loved every second I nursed Bryson Sometimes it's hard because you'll want to shake your hubs to go get the baby in the middle of the night, but really, it's the sweetest, most perfect time. It was truly one of my favorite things about having a baby. :)

  14. I remembered a few more things! Since I have to wear very absorbent nursing pads you can see them through my shirt (once I started wanting to wear tight --or not super blousy---shirts again!), so I bought molded cup inserts to put in my bras, some bras come with them but in my nursing size, 32 G, they don't make molded cups! I remembered the names of my favorite bras, the bravado body silk seamless bra and the elle macpherson maternelle bra. I spent $30-60 per bra (full price) because nothing fit and I had back problems and it was definitely worth it. Just think of all the money you save by not buying formula, it is still way cheaper to invest in good equipment for nursing:)

    Also, I also got thrush(luckily my baby didn't) or a yeast infection in the breast (shooting pains for weeks in your breast aren't normal) and that caused me to get cracked nipples which is sooooooooo painful. Be sure and get a nipple shield and/or nipple cups (they protect them from rubbing against your bra) and allow everything to heal much faster. Nipple shields can cause breast infections so you have to be very careful. Your nipples really shouldn't hurt if your baby is latched right, which my baby had a problem with, so if it hurts despite trying to re-latch until they are on right then you might have another issue like a breast infection.

  15. How long? 1st child--11 months, 2nd child--9 months, 3rd child--8 months.
    Hardest part? The first week or two, with all three of them...milk supply is establishing (I had a TON) and getting used to latching them on. If it hurts, they are not latched properly. Break the seal with your finger and try again.
    Why did I stop? Each child weaned themselves...I was willing to do the whole first year.
    Breast pump? Medela...worked great! I didn't start pumping until about three weeks, and I would pump an hour after feeding, just once or twice per day.
    Nursing bras? Just find one that is comfortable for will need to wear one 24/7!
    Nursing pads? Lansinoh..wonderful!
    When we used bottles (don't do it for the first couple of weeks) we like the Dr. Brown's or something similar. They cut way down on the air bubbles! Kind of a pain to clean, though. Breastfeeding was a wonderful experience for me, even with the discomfort in the is totally worth it! Don't give up, be flexible (breastfed babies sometimes need to eat more often than formula fed) and above all, RELAX! God made you for this! :o)
