Wednesday, May 18, 2011

calling all mommies: newborn pictures

This week's topic is.....

I LOVE taking pictures.  If you have followed my blog for a while, then you know that I dabbled in photography for a while.  I did one newborn session, and it was the hardest session I ever did.  I swore I would never do one again.  I'm pretty sure I could play around a few days with Pearson and get some great shots of him, but he's only tiny once so I want a professional to take his newborn pictures.

So my question this week is......

When did you take your newborn pictures?
Had their umbilical cord fallen out yet?
Did you have any props or hats?
Where did you get them if you did?
If you live in the DFW area, who did you use, and were you pleased?


  1. We didn't do any newborn pictures. For us, we wanted to spend the money for professional family pictures when he was older (we just did them at 6 mos). My sister did an informal session when he was 5 weeks. & that was good for us. :-)

  2. Oh & his umbilical cord fell out at 6 days which is really early! We were glad tho! Yuck, that thing stunk.

  3. The best time to do his pictures would be during his first week. They are still pretty sleepy and curled up during that first week. It gets pretty tough after 10 days to keep them curled up.

    It's just going to vary on whether the cord is on or not...I've had shoots with both.

    I have a good friend in Dallas, Daisy Pearl Portraits who does newborns. Here are a couple other photographers that I follow that do newborns: Melissa Zihlman, Jenny Leigh, and Expressions by Wendy.

    Hope this helps!

  4. We did our daughters pictures when she was one week old. I had the baby hat and a gorgeous bassinet a friend made for us, and then our photographer had props to use as well. We timed the shoot around her feedings and she slept and was perfect and we were VERY pleased with her shots.

  5. Linza Gann's cousin, Lauren does newborns - She did some beautiful pics of Paisely!!

    There is also Carrie McGee - She does awesome work. Her parents are family friends of ours.

    It's getting closer and I know you and Matt can harder wait!! I am so ready for July to welcome our newsest grandson!! Wish you, Matt and Pearson the best!

  6. We elected not to spend the money, but I can understand the desire - the shots always turn out so cute - can't wait to see Pearson's!

  7. I had the lovely ladies of take my little guy's pictures at 10 days old. They are Austin based, but wanted to offer your readers an ATX resource. He lost his cord at day 8, which was nice. I've noticed most photographers that have done a lot of newborn sessions may have some props/hats to use. Although, I think the little naked or almost naked newborn pics are sometimes the cutest.

  8. I know of a GREAT baby/childrens/ family photographer. Her name is Jennifer Paschall and she is a long time family friend. Go check out her website:

  9. Sarah Baker8:04 AM

    Logan's umbilical cord didn't fall off till after a two weeks and we had to take him in to the pediatrician for them to put something on it to help the process. All in all, it took closer to a month. So dont wait on that to fall off before you have pics.

  10. I had newborn photos done at 10 days old. I skipped the maternity pictures because (we are on a budget) I really wanted to capture the sweet newborn phase, and I am so glad we did. I, too, dabble in photography, but our professional was AWESOME with Isabelle.

    Her cord stump had fallen off, at 6 days old, but it didn't bother me at all. Most of the photog's who specialize in newborns/babies like the session to be done within the first 2 weeks, when the cord stump is still there (most likely), they are still malleable and curl up in womb like positions, and the baby acne has not had time to set in!

    My photographer had her own props, but I loved them that I found them online. She buys from etsy shops. I would book ahead of time. I didn't and got lucky that she had time to do it!
