Wednesday, May 18, 2011

can you read kindergarten?

There are lots of things that I will not miss about teaching (i.e. paperwork, testing, bad behavior, annoying parents etc.), but trying to figure out what a sweet note from my students says will not be one of those things.  I always love trying to translate what they write!!
Can you read Kindergarten?  Do you know what this says??

One million brownie points will be awarded to whoever can translate this note correctly!!


  1. From Lea, To Mrs. Link. Because you are my teacher, you never write my name on the recess list, you teach students, and you do presents?

    That last word has me stumped...

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    And you do free centers!! :)

  3. "To Mrs. Link because you are my teacher. you never write my name to the recess list. you teach students and you do free centers."

    I made it a point not to look at the other comments first hehe The last word was tricky, but the rest was pretty easy to decode (I guess it helps I've taught kinder and first haha)

  4. Oh, good grief. I was almost standing on my head trying to figure it out. The last word was for sure the trickiest!
