Tuesday, May 17, 2011

surprise "daddy shower"

Matt texted me this afternoon telling me that some of the ladies that work for him gave him a surprise shower today!!  
He has a bi-weekly meeting with his employees and when he went to meet with them they had gifts, pizza and a cookie cake waiting for him.  They also had a "Daddy to Be" medal!! So cute huh?

Matt also texted me this picture.  I guess they didn't know that Matt went to Baylor and I went to A&M.  It's the thought that counts though, right?
 My favorite gifts were the sweet clothes that have Daddy sayings on them.  
I know Matt was excited to get some cute clothes for Pearson that say Daddy, because he's all decked out with Mommy clothes!!
The little outfit in the middle is soooooo tiny.  It's a newborn size.  I wonder if Pearson will be small enough to fit into it?  

It was so fun to see Matt come and share all the gifts with me.  I'm glad he got to experience all the fun that a baby shower brings!!  


  1. That is so sweet!!!!!!!

  2. how awesome! Love those onesies!

  3. Very cool! Save the UT stuff - you can always re-gift it to someone who is actually a UT fan (there are plenty of them). You never know on the newborn stuff - some babies never wear it and some (like mine) stay in it for almost 3 months. Of course now, she's growing so rapidly that I don't think she'll be in 3 month clothing for long. Babies or so unique!

  4. How fun for Matt to have a Daddy Shower! Love the cute clothes with the Daddy sayings.

  5. Oops! I posted my comment on Stan's FB.

  6. I bet he will be able to wear that little outfit.... william was 8.5 lbs and wore newborn for 2 weeks!
