Wednesday, June 08, 2011

girl's night out

During the school year the girls from my ABF get together on Wednesday nights for Bible Study while our husbands play basketball at the church.  For the summer we decided it would be too hard to stick with a Bible Study, so we planned a fun activity for each Wednesday night.  

Tonight we all met up at Chuy's for a little food and drinks and fellowship. 
I just love all these girls.  We always have a good time when we are together!!

{Rachael, Denise, Kristin, & Sam}
 {Jenny, Carissa, & Amy}
 {Julie, Michelle, & Me}
My favorite part about Chuy's is their Happy Hour.  They have FREE chips and queso from 4-7!!
I probably ate Pearson's weight in Chips and Queso.  Mmmmmm it was SO GOOD!!!

 I'm so glad I was able to go tonight because I'm probably not going to be able to go for the next few weeks.  Next week I'm going on a date with Matt (as long as Pearson hasn't joined us), and then the next Wednesday we will for sure have had him.  And then for the next few weeks, I probably won't be venturing out with a newborn.
I'm hoping that once Pearson and I get into the swing of things we'll be able to go to Girl's Night out a few more times this summer.  

Surely the girls won't mind me bringing my sweet little baby BOY to a girls night!!


  1. I'm getting excited for you and I don't even actually know you. Ha!! Matt and I's high school reunion is sometime in September I think....hopefully you guys can come. I haven't seen Matt in years and I sure would love to see sweet Pearson :)

  2. I also think that I ate Pearson's weight in chips and queso last night!! I was SOOO full when we left, but I had the best time! Love our summer fun hangouts :) (Oh, and we won't mind a bit if you bring Pearson to any of our girls' nights out!)
