Thursday, June 09, 2011

a "manly" baby shower

Today I went to Matt's office for lunch because his department was threw him a baby shower.  
Sadly, I only got one picture because I forgot to put my memory card back in my camera from last night.  I snapped this picture right before we left with my iPhone.  

The lady that threw the shower was so funny.  She said it was a "manly" shower and that's why there weren't any decorations.  They served Buffalo Wild Wings, Chick-fil-A nuggets, and lots of chips and dips.  She said it was "man food".  There were so many people there.  We were completely blessed with lots of baby goodies and lots of diapers!!  I had so much fun watching Matt open all the gifts and get excited about all the stuff we got for Pearson!  


  1. You have the cutest maternity clothes! You have to let me know where you got them for the next time around!

  2. Love the idea of the "manly baby shower." Your son is going to be the best dressed, best stocked baby around!
