Sunday, June 19, 2011

happy father's day

We will never forget this Father's Day because we got to bring our sweet baby boy home from the hospital today!
These past few days watching you step into the roll of being a Daddy have been amazing!! Not only did you step right up to take care of Pearson, you also took such good care of me while we were in the hospital.  

I love that all your family all says he looks just like you when you were a baby! I'd be a-okay if he is just like his Daddy, because you are such a wonderful person for him to look up to. 
I just love the way that you love on him. You are just smitten with him and it makes my heart smile to see you two together. 
I love that you tell me over and over that you can't stop looking at him or you think he's so cute.
I can't wait to see your relationship grow and grow and Pearson gets older.  He is SO lucky to have you as a Daddy.  
Pearson love you and I love you!!
Happy Father's Day, Matt!!

1 comment:

  1. Look at that handsome boy! I could definitely see why so many people want to come visit this cutie:)Hope you guys are doing well. Loved his birth story!
