Sunday, June 19, 2011

a visit from grammy & grandaddy

Grammy & Grandaddy came to visit us tonight!  They brought us Pei Wei for dinner.  It was so good!!

They also brought Matt a little something for Father's Day!!
Grammy made a sweet little picture frame that said THE BOYS on it. 
It has one of my favorite pictures of Matt and Pearson in it. 
It will be perfect for him to display in his office.
And of course we all know Grammy and Grandaddy didn't just come to see me and Matt.  They came to get some lovin' from little Pearson.  
But I can't blame them.....
......because he is pretty darn cute. 
Isn't he???

1 comment:

  1. Pearson is definitely a cutie!! Congrats to you and Matt! I know that you are enjoying the time that you have with him and your new position as Pearson's Mommy!!
