Sunday, June 26, 2011

lazy days

We had such a lazy Sunday today!! I was so lazy that I didn't even get my camera out.  I just took pictures with my iPhone.  

We gave Pearson a paci for the first time and he LOVED it.
We did a lot of snoozin'. 
I got lots of sweet cuddles from the little guy.
And Matt took us all to Sonic for Happy Hour.  
I could get used to these lazy days.  


  1. Love that his paci is almost as big as his face!

  2. Cristina9:37 AM

    You don't sit in the back with him? He's a newborn, you have to sit back there with him. I also read you didn't sit in the back the day y'all went home from the hospital... I couldn't believe what I read.
