Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{Pearson's Story} Index

I want to remember every little detail of how Pearson came into this world.  Since I took so many pictures and we had an extended hospital stay because of my c-section, I decided to divide his story up into chapters.  After 2 days of organizing pictures and 2 days of typing posting I finally have them all put together.  You can scroll down trough my blog and read all the posts backwards or you can click on each chapter from here!! Read every word or just look at the pictures, but enjoy the story of our sweet Pearson!!

Chapter 1: How it All Started

Chapter 2: Labor Day.....errrr Night

Chapter 3: C-Section

Chapter 4: Let the Spoiling Begin

Chapter 5: Thursday Was All A Blur

Chapter 6: A Busy Day

Chapter 7: A Quiet Day

Chapter 8: Coming Home

Chapter 9: Home Sweet Home


  1. So sweet Katy! I loved reading your story and he is just too cute.

  2. Katy he is too cute!! I loved getting to read your story. It's very similar to Cade's birth story. It definitely brought back tons of memories. Hope you guys are doing well!!

  3. LOVED reading the whole story and seeing all the pictures!! I am so looking forward to meeting him on Friday!!
