Tuesday, July 19, 2011

just like daddy

Ever since Pearson was born Matt's Mom, Dad and sisters have said over and over how much Pearson looks like Matt when he was a baby.  

My parents have also said over and over that he looks nothing like me when I was a baby so he must look like Matt.  

So Matt's Mom sent me his hospital picture for me to see for myself.  
What do you think??
Do you think he looks just like daddy?


  1. Wow! It's mini-Matt! :)

  2. I have to say...YES! :) So cute!

  3. I'd say yes for sure!! Don't worry, Adelyn looks just like her Daddy too! I've got his baby pictures and been wanting to do a similar post!

  4. Yes, but you should post one of your baby pictures also - just to compare.

  5. Yup, looks like daddy... See Adam's mom keeps saying Dylan looks like him, but I'm pretty sure this picture( from a while ago) changed her mind!:) http://mrandmrsfenner.blogspot.com/2010/05/what-do-you-think.html

  6. He does look like his daddy, but thingsbchange as they get older. He may start to look like his mommy as he gets older. ;)

  7. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Oh, they do have similarities! I agree, post ones of you too!
