Monday, July 18, 2011

meal planning monday

Monday: Southwestern Stuffed Grilled Chicken (Sam's), Grean Beans, Salad, & Rolls

Tuesday: Lasagna (Sam's), Green Bean, & Garlic Bread

Wednesday: BBQ Sandwiches (pre-made & frozen), Fruit & Chips

Thursday: Chicken Pot Pie (pre-made & frozen)

Friday: Biscuit Pizzas

Saturday Breakfast: Beer Bread

Saturday Lunch: Chili Cheese Wraps

Saturday Dinner: Out w/ ABF

Sunday Lunch: Lunch @ Nonnie's

Sunday Dinner: In-N-Out Burger


  1. Yum! Looks like a super tasty week:) I also love how you preplanned a lot of your meals before baby P and froze them. Looks like you got a great handle on this new mommy thing:)

  2. Yum, tamale pie sounds yummy!:) BBQ sammies are on my list of freezer meals! Which I'll probably start in a few weeks!

  3. Katy, this is going to sound really random (not to mention that you have no idea who I am!, but I came across your blog over 9 months ago very randomly when looking for some sort of baby item on the internet. When I started reading your blog I found out that we have so many things in common. I was also newly pregnant, found out I was having a boy, and also teaching at a Christian school (but in upstate New York...quite a ways away!). But I've been meaning to let you know that I've loved reading your updates because I could/can fully relate to everything you're going through with having a first baby. Just wanted to let you know what a blessing & encouragement you've been, probably without ever realizing it! Pearson is just beautiful & I love to watch him grow in relation to my own little Braden! Thanks again & God bless your new family!
