Thursday, September 29, 2011

diaper wreath

I have had quite a few friends ask me how to make a diaper wreath, so I thought I would do a little how to.  

First of all, I have to give all the credit to my sweet friend Tammy.  She made Pearson's diaper wreath. 
 These diaper wreaths are super easy to make, pretty cheap, and I think they are a little more functional then a diaper cake.  I took my to the hospital to hand on the door and it is actually still hanging on Pearson's door now!

Supplies needed:
{The following supplies were all purchased at Hobby Lobby}
Wire Wreath
Wreath Hanger
Wooden Letter
Embellishment (bow or wooden piece)

1. You'll want to use Luvs or Pampers diapers because there are no designs on these diapers.  Huggies and most store brands have designs on the back so they won't work......unless you want color in your diaper wreath.  I found that the Luvs give a little more girly/ruffly look. 

Just to give you an idea of how many diapers I used, here are the diaper wreath I have made. 

Olivia's Wreath- 27 Luvs diapers
Brody's wreath- 18 Pampers Diapers
2.  Open up the diapers and "straddle" them around the wire wreath.  You can squish them close if you want to use alot of diapers or you can just lay them next to each other to use less diapers.
{wire wreath}
3.  Cut pieces of ribbon about 10 inches long and double knot them around the diapers.

4.  Paint the baby's initial the color of your choice.  I used the cheap little tubes of paint that are like $1 but I'm sure spray paint or even wall paint would be fine as well.

5.  Hot Glue the wooden piece onto the initial or wire a bow around the top.

6.  Loop the ribbon through the letter and then hot glue the ribbon around the wire wreath.

7.  Hook on the wreath hanger and hang on the door!!

That's all.  I told you it was pretty simple. Sorry I don't have pictures for each step.  I'm pretty sure you can figure it out though!!

Here are two other examples of cute diaper wreaths I saw on Pinterest.
Have fun making your diaper wreath.  I know the "Mommy to be" that is getting it will love it because I know I sure loved mine!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Katy here's one more look at what you can do with diapers with the logo. I use them for the boy ones I make :) Also, the white Styrofoam wreaths are the easiest to work with.

  3. Thank you Thank you for this tutorial!
    I made a really cute wreath for my niece's baby shower!
    I love how one-of-a-kind and personalized you can make them!
