Friday, September 30, 2011

iPhone rewind {september}

It's the end of the month and that means it's time to dump all my iPhone pics on the ole blog!!

Here's little snapshots of what we've been up to.....
Love that little double chin.
Little smirk. 
 This is the only way Pearson would nap for about a week.  Oh well, I enjoyed the snuggles. 
 Tummy Time!!
 Big boy in his Bumbo for the first time. 
 Love that little nose squint! 
Mmmm our Grimaldi's FREE birthday pizza! 
 Pearson totally entertained by the sling strap at Grimaldi's.  Probably a little germy.  Oh well!
Ewww....a blowout.   
 My birthday present from Pearson. 
What a face!!
Pearson can almost get his whole fist in his mouth. 
Oh my goodness, his little tongue sticking out when he smiles gets me every time!
See.....isn't it precious?
He was beyond ready to eat an go to bed.
These are the moments I live for. 
Mommy's little lunch buddy. 
This is how Pearson lets me know he's ready for a nap.  He buries his head in the corner of my elbow.  
Look how sweaty my little man gets.  This is just from me holding him for 5-10 minutes.  His hair is soaked and so is his collar.  
Pearson is LOVING his fingers this month. 
Daddy's little lunch treat from me and P on his birthday. 
Making Daddy's favorite for his birthday....banana pudding. 
Helping me make carrot cake for Daddy's birthday celebrations!
And it cracks me up that he is making the exact same face in the previous picture!!
Sweet dreams little man. 


  1. Love the bumbo pics!! Can't wait til Hadley can start rocking that and cooking with me!

  2. He sweats like his Uncle Ryan. Ha!

  3. Love everything about our sweet little man! So fun seeing these pictures. Brightens my day for sure.

  4. The bday blowout was funny! :) He is getting so big! :)
