Thursday, October 06, 2011

a day at the fair

My Mom and Grandma go to the fair with the church on Senior Citizen Day every year.  This year they invited me to go since I'm not working anymore.   Nonnie gets in free because she is a Sr. Citizen, but Mom and I were planning on paying $5 with a 20 oz. coke product but we luckily found out that we could bring a Cinemark ticket stub in and get in for free as well.  

Pearson took a little nap with Lolly on the bus ride over there to gear up for all the sights to see!!
Four generations at the fair.
My Mom and Nonnie are pros at the fair.  They pack their own cups and straws so they can share drinks, they bring little cups for their mustard, paper towels, and even tooth picks to use after they eat corn.  They even know all the building they like to stop at while they are there.  I didn't want to mess up their routine so I told them I would just tag along as long as I could get my fried cheese on a stick and fried frito pie!!

Our first stop at the fair was my friend cheese on a stick.  Oh my word.  It's so good.  
Even Pearson had his eyes on my "cheese dog" 
This time next year I'll have to give him little pinches of all my food.   
Our next stop was the Creative Arts building.  One of Mom and Nonnie's friends won first prize on her quilt.  
I do not get all those crazy things people enter.  It's like some people go dig through their attics and say, "Hey I think I'll enter this old rug in the fair." Weird.  I don't get it.  
 Pearson was happy in his stroller for the most part until he got sleepy.  I moved him into the K'Tan and he fell right asleep.  
 Everyone except for me had corny dogs for lunch.  
 I had fried frito pie.  
Sooooooo good.   
 Pearson was absolutely perfect while we were at the fair.
There were so many things for him to look at. 
It was so good to see my happy baby again.  He was so sweet and smiley.  
All the fun just wore Pearson out.  
I am so glad we were able to get out of the house and join my Mom and Nonnie at the fair.  We really enjoyed the change of scenery from our normal daily routine at home.  

I'm already looking to forward to next year's trip to the fair!!


  1. What a good, sweet PEARSON! I went yest. for Rockwall's fair day, and had the fried frito pie as well! I guess I should have tried the cheese on a stick! :0 The fried upside down pineapple cake was good too! I just had a couple of bites of it!

  2. Nice to see our little guy happy again! Sounds like you guys had a good time. Loved the pictures!

  3. I think Pearson needs a litle aggie outfit... I haven't seen that sweet little guy in any collegiate wear. ;)

  4. Little** sorry my screen in cracked on my phone and I have a hard time reading text.
