Saturday, October 08, 2011

the P's have it

My saturday has been spent with lots of P's.  

1. Pinterest
**I'm so addicted to Pinterest.  I have actually had an account since May but I just allowed myself to get on.  I had some projects I wanted to finish before I really dove in.  I've had so much fun finding new ideas.  I have only made one craft and 3 recipes, but I plan on actually doing/cooking/making lots more of my ideas I have pinned!!

2.  Pedicure
**My SIL gave me a pedicure gifcard for my birthday.  Matt watched the baby this afternoon while I went and treated myself with a much deserved mani/pedi.  The last time I got my toes done was when I was still pregnant.  I was long overdue.  The color looks black but it's actually a deep purple.  I went with something dark in hopes that it will help bring us some fall weather!

3.  Pot Roast
**I tried a new recipe for Pot Roast today.  It was really good.  It was so nice to put dinner in the crockpot this morning, smell it all day and have a easy dinner and clean up.  I even froze 3 bags of leftover meat for BBQ sandwiches, beef nachos, and shredded beef tacos.  Yummy!!

4.  Playoffs
**I'm lovin' watching the Rangers play.  I absolutely love watching the post season games.  I actually watch the entire game.  Unfortunately I'm having a little trouble watching this game because Matt keeps flipping the channels back and forth between the Rangers and the Baylor game.
5.  Pearson
**And the majority of my day was spent with my Sweet P.  Pearson is finally out of his little fussy funk.  He was so sweet today!!
 I was afraid our day was not going to start off well since he woke up this morning screaming.  He was crying because he had rolled over in his crib (while swaddled) and couldn't get back onto his back.  Poor guy!! Thankfully our day turned around quickly!!
 Pearson has only been taking 45 minutes naps all week and he took an hour and a half nap this morning while Matt and I did some little projects around the house.
 I took Pearson with me to the grocery store this afternoon because he LOVES hanging out in the K'Tan.  He looked around almost the whole shopping trip them fell fast asleep right before we checked out.  I love that he loves the K'Tan.
 This afternoon while Matt watched Pearson he actually slept the entire time I was gone.  He took a two and a half hour nap!!  Yay for long naps!! I hoping for lots of long naps this week!! I don't have any plans this week so I would love to mess around with some Pinterest projects!!
I just put Pearson to bed with one arm swaddled in and one arm out.  I am just not ready to give the swaddle up cold turkey.  Pearson has been sleeping 12 hr at night since he was 2 months old and I just don't want anything to change.  I really think the swaddle helps him sleep better so we'll see how it goes transitioning him out of it.  I put him in bed at 7:00 tonight and he was asleep by 7:15 without a peep!! I'm praying for a restful night for my little guy.  
 Oh my goodness....I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to have my sweet, happy, content baby boy back!!


  1. I am addicted to Pinterest as well! I am doing a roast Tue, and I am going to use the recipe you did today!
