Tuesday, December 20, 2011

boys boys boys

Today Mr. Wes and Mr. Thomas came over to play with P-Man.
Wes in 9 months, Thomas is 7 months and Pearson is 6 months!!
Kristen (Thomas' Mommy) was my roommate in college my senior year. 
Christie (Wes' Mommy) is a friend from church and was in the same sorority as Kristen in college.  
I made tortilla soup for lunch and lemon whipersnappers for dessert! So yummy!!
 When the boys played they kind of all did their own thing, but every now and then we would catch them interacting with each other.  
 Pearson was hogging all of his toys!
 So Thomas just decided to play with his socks and toes!
Wes doesn't have a jumperoo at home so he was pretty happy to play in a new toy.
And he loved all the tags on Pearson's Taggie toy!!
 Pearson was pretty happy to watch the other boys play.
 We had such a great time eating lunch, catching up on life, talking about all thing Mommy, and letting our boys play.  
 They boys "played" hard, and really wore themselves out.  
 Around 2pm, we could all tell it was naptime!!  
Thanks for bringing your sweet boys over to play!!
Pearson and I are looking forward to another playdate sooner than later!!


  1. How fun that the boys are so close in age.Adorable pictures of 3 adorable little boys!

  2. What a fun playdate!!

    And I love Pearson's baby legs!
