Saturday, January 14, 2012

baby free date night

Last night Matt and I had our first baby free date night of the year.  
{not a great picture because of the dang flash, but it's all I got}

One of our New Years Resolutions was to go on atleast one baby free date night a month.  I am so thankful that we have my parents close by to help us out with this goal.  It's so nice to always have a babysitter.  

We had a giftcard to Olive Garden, so we had some delicious Italian food.  We thought about going to the movies.  We haven't been to one in forever, but there was really anything worth seeing.  

So, as we were driving home at 8:00, I told Matt that I thought it was crazy that when we were dating we didn't have enough time at night.  Midnight always came to soon.  And now, we couldn't wait to get home to our sweet boy, put our PJ's on and snuggle up to watch a movie together.  

Times have changed, but I wouldn't want it any other way!!


  1. Good for you!! It's nice to have alone time again :)

    Michael and I went to the movies last was the first time since we saw Avatar in the theatre, like 2 years ago! haha

  2. We had a date night last night, and also went to Olive Garden with a GC. I agree, tt is so much fun to getting the time alone to reconnect, and then heading home to snuggle your little one at the end of the night!
