Saturday, January 14, 2012

project life {intro} & {week 1}

Have you heard of Project Life??

Project Life is a back-to-basics approach to memory-keeping. This simple format requires no skill - only your pictures and a pen. No one's life is perfect but everyone has a story and every family has a collection of memories. Putting pictures + stories together in Project Life makes us more aware of our blessings and encourages us to cultivate a good life.

I love the idea of Project Life because I don't have time to do all the fru-fru scrapbooking, nor do I have the space to store it all.  I also don't have the time to learn how to do the digital scrapbook thing, so this is the perfect thing for me.  

I first found out about Project Life last year from a friend's blog.  I have loved looking at her layouts each week over the past year.  She has even written some detailed post answering questions about Project Life and how she makes it work for her.  Over and over she said that it is so easy!! I wanted to start when Pearson was born, but I just never got around to it.  At the end of last year, my awesome sister-in-law posted on facebook that she was going to start Project Life, so I knew I had to do it too.  I had no excuses.  She is a phenomenal digital scrapbooker, so she will be doing it all digital.  I hope to be doing digital in 2013, but for this year I'm doing it the way it was originally designed.  

I'm using this kit and making it very simple.  Lot of people that are doing Project Life this year are going above and beyond and making the adorable lay-outs and making their different from everyone elses.  I have to admit, I'm little jealous of their layouts and I want mine to look better, but I'm just going to do Project Life the way it was designed.  Mine might look similar to someone else's because I'm using the kit, but it will be unique to me because it's all of my pictures and my memories.  My Project Life album is going to be simple.  I'm putting in pictures, using my Project Life Kit cards and sitckers and doing all of my journaling with my own handwriting {even though I hate it with a passion}. 

The thing I love about most about Project Life is that is it's all about the everyday things.  It's not all about making "theme-y pages" or "fancy smancy designs".  It's all about preserving your memories and keeping up with it week by week.  I hope to stay on top of it and post my layouts each week, so without further ado......

Here's my Week 1 layout......
 Here's a closer look at the left side.
And a closer look at the right side.
I'm already looking forward to finishing my week 2 layout!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw it sitting on your kitchen table Thursday and I was wondering what it was. That is such a great idea. I was going through all of my scrap booking stuff yesterday. I think I am going to sell it all at the next garage sale. I just can't keep up with it anymore (that's why I started my blog). Where did you get the pages that you are keeping yours in? Did they come with the kit?
