Friday, January 20, 2012

story time

One of my favorite memories of a child was going to the library with my Mom and brothers.  We each had our own library card and we all got to pick out 7 books.  I enjoyed looking at them at home, but my favorite part was always returning. Ha! For some reason I always thought it was fun to drop them in the drop box outside or even better to drop them on the conveyer belt inside that moved the book to the box!!  It's funny the thing you remember as a kid.  

This morning I took Pearson to Story Time at the Public Library for the first time.  I didn't really know how he would do considering he only took a 20 minute nap this morning.  Can you tell he's just a little bit sleepy?
 As soon as the librarian started singing and using her puppets, he was all ears.  
 He couldn't take his eyes off of her. 
 Look at my perfect little student!!  Just precious!!
 He even helped me turn the pages when we read Goodnight Moon.
I'm looking forward to making Story Time at the library a weekly trip for us!!


  1. I usually go to that one (Friday at 10:30 with Ms. Dea). She's great and we've made some friends there. I wasn't able to go this past week because of Brian's surgery and I think I'm missing next week too because of a doctor's appointment, but maybe I'll see you there sometime. Technically, Naomi's graduated to the Toddler class, but we may still go to the Baby class some since one of her little friends is still in it.

  2. aww!!!!! He is SO cute! :)
