Thursday, January 19, 2012

baby chef

Pearson and I whipped up a batch of my favorite cookies this afternoon for our small group tonight.
Pearson was quite the little fussy pants this afternoon because he only took one 45 minute nap today.  Today was Day 5 of him only taking one 45 minute nap. Yup, this Momma is about to go crazy!!!  I love my sweet boy, but he has got to sleep some during the day to give me a break.  We are going to cut down his sleep at night to 10 hrs in hopes that it will help him be more sleepy and nap some during the day.   So we'll see.......  

Alteast, a simple spatula (with nothing on it) and making cookies with Mommy made him happy!!
Seriously, these lemon whippersnappers are so easy and so yummy!! You should go an make them today!! 


  1. ok, these look super yummy and I may so have to try them. We are in charge of treat/snack sign up for small group and will most likely be bringing these delicious treats soon! Plus you have an adorable little helper!

  2. I make your lemon cookies all of the time! They are my favorite and most of my 4-Her's request them when we have road trips!
