Wednesday, February 29, 2012

iphone rewind {february}

It's so easy to pull out my iPhone to take pics so I have a lot this month!!

Pearson wouldn't take a nap so I went to run some errands.  Of course he fell asleep 2 minute after we left!!
This box was great entertainment for a few days.  
Only in Texas is it 28 degrees one day then 70 degrees a few days later. 
Daddy is teaching Pearson the greatest of watching sports on TV.
Sweet boy!!
Yup, I eat my powdered sugar with a little French Toast.
Pearson's feet got stuck in his crib when he was practicing his crawling skills instead of taking a nap. 
We hit 105,000 miles on my car while on our trip to Arkansas. 
Aunt Jenn & Pearson sleeping on the way home from Arkansas. 
I love my boys. 
His finger got stuck in his paci while he was playing with it. 
Naptime in the car.  That can't be comfortable. 
I tried the Sweet Potato Tots.  They were really good, but not worth paying an extra $1.50 for.  
It's so weird to see him sitting up in the morning when I get him out of his crib. 
Carson giving Pearson a bottle.  It was pink because we had to borrow one of Olivia's.
Pretty flowers from Matt's work. 
Pulling up on his knees. 
He has tons of toys, but he keeps going for Izzie's toys.  
I finally got a picture of his cute little pearly whites.  
Getting into everything he's not supposed to.  
Saturday morning shopping trip to Home Depot. 
Snack time on the floor.  It's where it end up most of the time anyway!
It only took 8 months, but we finally got Tom (our old ABF director) to hold Pearson!!

1 comment:

  1. Really, that's the first time Tom has held him... So funny! Of course, most of the time there are lots of women around to hold him.
