Wednesday, February 29, 2012

project life {week 8}

I can't seem to get my page done, take pictures of it, and get it posted on Tuesday, so I'm going to start posting my Project Life pages on Wednesday.   I'm just going to be a day late for the Project Life Tuesday link up at The Mom Creative!!
 I didn't actually pull out my big camera until Friday, so I was afraid I wasn't going to have enough pictures this week.  It turns out I took a ton of iPhone pictures so this page protector worked out great this week!
I also did all handwriting this week.  It is just way quicker then printing on the journal cards.  I like the look of printing best, but I just didn't have time for it this week.  I might start doing some of both.  It just depends on if I have time for it or not. 
Cost this week......$1.62 at Target for prints

The Mom Creative


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Its so lovely, love your honesty. Loved the 'snuggling days' insert best - we Mums know this to be oh so true, unfortunately. It seems like only yesterday my oldest was born and he'll be six in four months :(

  2. Great job! Although my girls still like to snuggle (they are 13 & almost 11) I do miss being able to hold them on my lap!

    Have a great week!


  3. Your album looks fantastic and your little boy is so cute. Our snuggling days are well and truly over. My girls are 18 and 15 every now and then they will cuddle on the lounge but not very often. Enjoy it.
