Tuesday, February 28, 2012

scootin' around

Pearson started officially crawling (like hands and knees crawlin) yesterday!! He is just too cute on the move!!  This is actually a video of him a few days ago.  He even better now, but this was just too cute not to share.  So proud of our little guy! 
I'll post another one of him with his new mastered skill later this week!

And I didn't get around to taking pictures of my Project Life today, so I'll be posting that sometime tomorrow!!  


  1. LOVE that!!! He's so cute an determined!!

  2. Oh my that little guy can cover some ground! Good luck keeping up with him Mom and Dad!!!!

  3. He is so adorable. Can't wait to see him show off on Thursday! I am not going to lie I teared up a bit watching him with Matt and thinking about seeing Joel with Landry. I can't wait to see them interact together.

  4. That boy is on the move! What a cutie. All boy for sure - rolling around after a fall and getting right back up.

  5. Look at him! He's on the move!! Look out, Momma...he's going to be walking and running around very soon! :)
